Today after the day when everyone somehow wish for more wealth from the "god of treasure". I wanted to do a session to teach the children not count on luck or things one off from that but to rely on hard work to receive fruitful harvest.
We told the story with an upgraded army of props now :) highlighting the tree and others sponsored by the kitchen, and the paper snails and slugs. It was very fun making them.
We learnt the Chinese characters 田(field)株(treetrunk)兔(rabbit), which all three are pictograph.
Then we watched a video of cutie rabbits while paying attention to the shape of their body, ears, and movements, followed by a little study of the rabbit painted by the famous Chinese artist Liu Jiyou 刘继卣.
Finally we made our own images about what we remember from the story and what we want to add to the story.
Youtube video link
Some works of interest
1. Age 38 (group photo of the film crew :))
2. Age 3, farmer (black figure right) tells rabbit to be careful not hit the tree (brown stick left). The red blob on the left is shadow because the sun is on the other side
3. Age 8, bottom left is farmer lying down by the tree, white square on right is the "mist"
4. Age 4, car and mixing of colours
5. Age 3, mummy rabbit and baby rabbite
6. Age 3, rabbit family
7. Age 3, rabbit and her house
8. Age 3, rabbit and tractor
9. Famous Chinese artist Liu Ji You 刘继卣
10.. Chinese characters we learnt