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15.02.21 Ugly duckling and swans - grow up 長(长) fly 飛(飞) with famous painter Lou Shibai 婁師白

Updated: Mar 6, 2021

Today we are doing a story telling today of the ugly ducklings with my paper swan and ducky props made by grandparents :) (my little monster painted them and made some apparently fish looking food for them)

We told the story and watched some videos of ducks and swans to see and paid attention to the feed, neck and how mummy swan carried the cute grey babies!

Then we learnt how our ancestors wrote "grow up" 長(长) and "fly" 飛(飞)

We looked at how the famous Chinese artist Lou Shibai 婁師白 who is the student of Qi Baishi, painted the ducks. He is the "duck specialist" in Chinese paintings.

Then we created our favourite moment of the story and try to create our own for the swan after she got back.

Youtube class link

Gratitude to the crew, executed by grandparents and decorated by my 3 year old.. and made fishes

Work below done by artist of age

pic1 - age 38 - demo

pic2 - age 8 - the full story

pic3 - age 4 - top image from right to left: swan, egg, bell, swan; bottom image from right to left: two eggs, mummy duck, daddy duck, snowman

pic4 - age 5 - daddy and mummy duck carrying babies followed by baby duck

pic5 - age 3 - duck with wings and watercolour tests

pic6 - age 3 - duck ducking in water to fish, leaving only the bottom and feet out (refer to image 7), purple and blue blobs are fish

Pic8 - age 3 - mummy duck with babies

Pic9 - age 3- mummy duck and baby duck

Pic10 - age 3 - dinosaur duck!

Materials we looked in class

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